NEWMAN J.H., Sermons Preached on Various Occasions.
With an Introdcution and Notes by J. Tolhurst, Gracewing, Leominster Notre Dame 2007, 399 pp.
With an Introdcution and Notes by J. Tolhurst, Gracewing, Leominster Notre Dame 2007, 399 pp.
Introd., traduction et notes D. GORCE, Écrits newmaniens, Ad Solem Éditions, Genève 2007, 528 pp.
Trad. : RENAUDIN P., Introd. M. NÉDONCELLE, Écrits newmaniens, Ad Solem Éditions, Genève 2007, 426 pp.
(PPS I), Introd. & translation V. GARCIA RUIZ, Ensayos 302, Encuentro Ediciones, Madrid 2007, 321 pp.
(PPS vol. II), Introd. & trans. V. GARCIA RUIZ, Ensayos 333, Encuentro Ediciones, Madrid 2007, 356 pp.
Tesi Gregoriana, Serie Teologai 143, Editrice Pont. Università Gregoriana, Roma 2007, 218 pp.
Édition du Cerf, Paris 2007, 252 pp.
Real View Books 2007, 286 pp.
Peter Lang Publishing, New York 2007, 211 pp.
A Journey with John Henry Cardinal Newman, Global Academic Publishing, Binghamton University, New York 2007, 238 pp.