KNIGHT H.A., A neglected early work of John Henry Newman the „Lectures on Justification“:
a Study of their Doctrine of Grace. Thesis submitted to the Theol. Faculty. of Lyon, Lyon 1951, v + 106 pp.
a Study of their Doctrine of Grace. Thesis submitted to the Theol. Faculty. of Lyon, Lyon 1951, v + 106 pp.
Journal of General Education (Chicago) (1950) 269 – 279.
Attualità Filosofiche (Padova) (1948) 3, 236 – 240.
Irish Ecclesiastical Record 69 (1947).
The Review of Politics, Vol. 9 (Apr., 1947) 2, 230-246
Études 247 (1945) 66 – 83.
Irish Ecclesiastical Record 61 (March 1943) 193 – 199.
Modern Philology 37 (1940) 279 – 291.
Bulletin de Littérature Ecclésiastique 37 (1936) 217 – 240.
Gregorianum 16 (1935) 402 – 447.