CAMACHO W.A., The Notion of the World in Newman.
Diss. Th., Pamplona 1990, 227 pp.
Diss. Th., Pamplona 1990, 227 pp.
S.T.D. dissertation, The Catholic University of America, 1990.
Excerpta ex dissertatione ad Doctoratum, Pont. Universitas Gregoriana, Roma 1990, 83 pp.
Univ. degli studi di Genova, Genova 1990, 424 pp.
Pont. Universitas Gregoriana, Roma 1990, viii + 320 pp.
Zu seinem 100. Todestag am 11. August 1990, Teil 1 bis 7, Der Fels XXI (1990/7) – XXII (1991/4) 25p.
Teologia 15/3 (1990) 243-263.
Unitas Vol 63, No 4 (December 1990).
Contemporary Review 257/1498 (1990) 264-268.
John Henry Newman zum 100. Todestag. Diakonia 21/4 (1990) 272-276.