NEWMAN J.H., Meditations on the Stations of the Cross.
Catholic Truth Society, London 1990, 24 pp.
Catholic Truth Society, London 1990, 24 pp.
Edited by K. and G. DEAN, The Thomas More Press, Chicago 1990, 115 pp.
Edited by V.F. BLEHL, The Oratory, Birmingham 1990, V+33 pp.
Abete Graphica s.p.a., Roma 1990, V+33 pp.
The Oratory, Birmingham 1990, V+33 pp.
Translated by J. KLOS, published: V.F. BLEHL, The Oratory, Birmingham 1990 V+33 pp.
(Título original: A Newman Prayer Book) Traduc. A. BOIX. Editiorial Balmes, Barcelona 1990, 33 pp.
(Títol original: A Newman Prayer Book) Traducción feta pel A. BOIX. Editorial Balmes, Barcelona 1990, 33 pp.
Edita e imprime la Congregación del Oratorio de San Felipe Neri (R. MAS CASSANELLES). Albacete 1990, 35 pp.
Edited by I. KER. Collins, London 1990, viii+280 pp.