NEWMAN J.H., The Church of the Fathers,
Introduction and Notes by McGrath Francis, Vol. 5, Birmingham Millenium Oratory Edition, Gracewing, Leominster/Notre Dame University Press, Notre Dame, IN 2002, LXXIX + 679 pp.
Introduction and Notes by McGrath Francis, Vol. 5, Birmingham Millenium Oratory Edition, Gracewing, Leominster/Notre Dame University Press, Notre Dame, IN 2002, LXXIX + 679 pp.
introduced and edited by James Tolhurst, Vol VI, Birmingham Millenium Oratory Edition, Gracewing, Leominster/Notre Dame University Press, Notre Dame, IN 2002, 431 pp.
edited with an introduction by Albert Radcliffe, Carcanet, Manchester 2002, 205 pp.
Introduced and edited by Attard Fabio, Midsea Books Ltd, Valletta 2002, XLI + 186 pp.
Autibiografía epistolar, Edición, traducción y notas de Víctor García Ruiz, Ediciones Encuentro, Madrid 2002, 511 pp.
Editorial Monte Carmelo, Burgos 2002, 392 pp.
Editorial Monte Carmelo, Burgos 2002, 528 pp.
introduction, traduction et notes par Jean Stern, Editions Ad Solem, Genève 2002, 152 pp.
Übersetzungen II von Edith Stein, Vol. 22 der Edith Stein Gesamtausgabe, Herder, Freiburg i.Br. 2002, XXXIV + 300 pp.
a cura di Velocci Giovanni, Jaca Book, Milano 2002, 284 pp.