Catholic Dossier

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(Ignatius Press, San Francisco) 4 (1998), Cardinal Newman, 1-68.
– McINERNY R., Out of the Shadows, pp. 5-6;
– O’CONNELL M.R., Newman’s Achievement, pp. 8-10;
– WHITEHEAD K.D., Newman Against Liberalism, pp. 11-16;
– JAKI S.L., Newman and His Converts: An Existential Ecclesiology, pp. 17-28;
– SCHALL J.V., S.J., On the Will to Know the Truth: Newman on Why Men of Learning Often Do Not Believe, pp. 30-35;
– WHALEN D.M., Heart Speaks to Mind: Elements of the Poetic in Newman’s Educational Thought, pp. 36-43;
– HITCHCOCK J., An Ambiguous Legacy, pp. 44-45;
– BRADLEY G.V., What’s New About Newman, pp. 46-47;
– SMITH J.E., The Pope or Conscience, pp. 48-49;
– NEWMAN J.H., Eighteen Theses of Liberalism: From Apologia Pro Vita Sua, Note A, pp. 50-51;
– GARDINER A.B., American Catholics Are Oxymorons: Perennial Lessons from Anglican Difficulties, pp. 63-66;
– PHAM J.-P., The Dilemma of Anglicanism, pp. 66-68.