JAKI St. (Ed.), Newman Today. Papers Presented at a Conference on John Henry Cardinal Newman. Vol. I.

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The Proceedings of the Wethersfield Institute, New York City, 1988, Ignatius Press, San Francisco 1989. 232 pp.
-JAKI St., Introduction, pp. 7-16;
-FORD J.T., Faithfulness to Type in Newman’s „Essay on Development“, pp 17-48;
-CHAVASSE P., Newman and the Laity, pp. 40-78;
-O’CONELL M.R., Newman and Liberalism, pp. 79-93;
-RUTLER G.W., Newman’s Idea of a Catholic University, pp. 95-120;
-KER I., Newman and the Postconciliar Church, pp. 121-141;
-MORALES J., Newman and the Problems of Justification, pp. 143-164;
-BOUYER L., The Permanent Relevance of Newman, pp. 165-174;
-SHARKEY M., Newman’s Quest for Holiness in His Search for the Truth, pp. 175-187;
-JAKI S., Newman’s Assent to Reality, Natural and Supernatural, pp 189-220;
-Appendix: NEWMAN John Henry: Cathedra Sempiterna. pp. 221-224.