The Australian Catholic Record, Centenary of Cardinal Newman.

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Vol. LXVII, No.3 (1990), 384 pp.
-ROWELL G., John Henry Newman in Ecumenical Perspective, 259-272.
-COOPER A., J. H. Newman: The Parochial and Plain Sermons, 273-282.
-BLEHL V.F., The Cause of John Henry Newman, 283-287.
-SIMONS R.G., Newman on Revelation: Identifying the perspectives, 288-298.
-PLAYER A., John Henry Newman and Education, 299-308.
-McGLADE J.A., Gerard Manley Hopkins -Priest-Poet. A Conflict of Vocations, 309-318.
-PLAYER A., Cardinal Newman and the Australian Gold Salver, 351-356.