The Church and the World

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1st January 1837

“After that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?” Gal. 4:9.

It is a doctrine frequently used by St. Paul, I need scarcely say, as by the other sacred writers, that the New Covenant of the Gospel has superseded the Jewish Law

The Religion of the Day

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26th August 1832

“Let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire.” Heb. 12:28, 29.

In every age of Christianity, since it was first preached, there has been what may be called a religion of the world, which so far imitates the one true religion, as to deceive the unstable and unwary. The world does not oppose religion as such. I may say, it never has opposed it. In particular, it has, in all ages, acknowledged in one sense or other the Gospel of Christ, fastened on one or other of its characteristics, and professed to embody this in its practice; while by neglecting the other parts of the holy

Newman Newsletter 2012

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Dear Newman Friends,

As we announced last year, from now on you will receive our Newman Newsletter via electronic post. We hope that this way of communication facilitates the exchange of information and experiences among Newman friends.

We are happy to inform you

Conscience and Truth in the writings of Blessed John Henry Newman

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Fr. Hermann Geissler FSO

John Henry Newman’s statements about conscience are among the most beautiful and relevant texts which he left to us. Not by coincidence, he is sometimes called Doctor conscientiae – teacher of conscience.
In the context of a symposium in 1990, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger – Pope Benedict XVI – told the audience how in his early years at Freising Major Seminary he became familiar with Newman through the Prefect Alfred Läpple. Among other things he said, “For us at that time, Newman’s teaching on conscience became an important foundation for theological personalism,

Tokens of Holiness in Blessed John Henry Newman

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Most Rev. Philip Boyce OCD, Bishop of Raphoe

There has been a continuous ebb and flow of interest in Newman down through the last hundred years. At times the Cause of his Beatification and Canonisation was not considered in any serious way by most people, while at other times it was to the forefront and was worked upon assiduously.

Mary is the “Virgo Fidelis,” the most Faithful Virgin

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This is one of the titles of the Blessed Virgin, which is especially hers from the time of her Assumption and glorious Coronation at the right hand of her Divine Son. How it belongs to her will be plain by considering some of those other instances in which faithfulness is spoken of in Holy Scripture.