The Cloud of Witnesses
So many were the wonderful works which our Saviour did on earth, that not even the world itself could have contained the books recording them. Nor have His marvels been less since He ascended on high; –
So many were the wonderful works which our Saviour did on earth, that not even the world itself could have contained the books recording them. Nor have His marvels been less since He ascended on high; –
You know very well, my brethren, and there are few persons anywhere who deny it, that in the breast of every one there dwells a feeling or perception, which tells him the difference between right and wrong, and is the standard by which to measure thoughts and actions. It is called conscience; and even though it be not at all times powerful enough to rule us, still it is distinct and decisive enough to influence our views and form our judgments in the various matters which come before us.
Samuel was a little child who had never fallen away from God, but by His grace had ever served Him. Let us take a very different instance, the instance of a penitent sinner as set before us in the parable of the Publican and Pharisee. I need hardly say which of the two was the most pleasing to God –
Lectio Magistralis
Ratisbonne, Jerusalem, 14th October 2010, Fabio Attard sdb
History is enriched with personalities that have left their imprint because of what they succeeded to achieve through their actions in the fields of arts and architecture. History is even richer through the contribution of those who have left behind them a heritage in the area of thinking, opening up intellectual horizons that enlighten humanity’s journey towards the unknown. For all these people we are a richer generation, being able to benefit from what they achieved and invited to build on it, pursuing it even further.
A man cannot really be religious one hour, and not religious the next. We might as well say he could be in a state of good health one hour, and in bad health the next. A man who is religious, is religious morning, noon, and night; his religion is a certain character,
“Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.” Math, 5:14.
Our Saviour gives us a command, in this passage of His Sermon on the Mount, to manifest our religious profession before all men. “Ye are the light of the world,” He says to His disciples; “A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men
Jesus saith to him, Lovest thou Me more than these?
1. Thou askest us to love Thee, O my God, and Thou art Thyself Love. There was one attribute of Thine which Thou didst exercise from eternity, and that was Love. We hear of no exercise of Thy power whilst Thou wast alone, nor of Thy justice before there were creatures on their trial; nor of Thy wisdom before the acts and works …
“Blessed John Henry Newman’s clear-minded search to know and express the truth in charity, at whatever cost to his own personal comfort, status and even friendships, is a wonderful testimony of a pure desire to know and love God in the communion of the Church. His is surely an example that can inspire us all.”
(Pope Benedict during the General Audience, September 22nd 2010)
1. What is a beatification?
2. Newman’s process of beatification
3. The miracle that made Cardinal Newman’s beatification possible
4. The significance of Newman’s beatification
5. A short biography of Cardinal Newman
6. Quotes about Newman
7. Background to Cofton Park
Philip Boyce, O.C.D., Bishop of Raphoe (Ireland)
From a religious point of view the period in which our lives are now placed at the turn of a millennium is not the most buoyant. At least in Western Europe the truth of religion, with its daily practice and influence on behaviour, is under severe pressure. “The cause of truth, never dominant in the world, has its ebbs and flows,” Newman once wrote. “It is pleasant to live in a day when the tide is coming in”