The Enduring Relevance of Newman’s Vision of Hope

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Philip Boyce, O.C.D., Bishop of Raphoe (Ireland)

From a religious point of view the period in which our lives are now placed at the turn of a millennium is not the most buoyant. At least in Western Europe the truth of religion, with its daily practice and influence on behaviour, is under severe pressure. “The cause of truth, never dominant in the world, has its ebbs and flows,” Newman once wrote. “It is pleasant to live in a day when the tide is coming in”

Very various are the Saints

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Very various are the Saints, their very variety is a token of God’s workmanship; but however various, and whatever was their special line of duty, they have been heroes in it; they have attained such noble self-command, they have so crucified the flesh, they have so renounced the world; they are so meek,…

The Sacred in the Liturgy (second part)

posted in: Thoughts of Newman | 0

The Temple is greater than the gold; therefore care not though the gold be away: – it sanctifies it; therefore cherish the gold while it is present. Christ is with us, though there be no outward show… Stone walls do not make a Church.

Newman’s Thoughts on Holiness

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In the Apostolic Letter Novo Millennio Ineunte, Pope John Paul II lists some priorities for pastoral care in the new millennium. Above all he recalls the vocation of all Christians to holiness. “First of all, I have no hesitation in saying that all pastoral initiatives must be set in relation to holiness”. A modern guide to holiness is John Henry Newman.

The “Blessed Vision of Peace”: Newman’s Love for the Church

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Sr. Kathleen Dietz, FSO

“Such were the thoughts concerning the ‘Blessed Vision of Peace,’ of one whose long-continued petition had been that the Most Merciful would not despise the work of His own Hands, nor leave him to himself;-while yet his eyes were dim, and his breast laden, and he could but employ Reason in the things of Faith” (Dev., 445).

I. Introduction

It’s no secret that the Catholic Church has been rocked with scandals over the past several years. Nor is it a secret that the media has enjoyed a heyday of scandal-mongering and Pope-bashing. Nonetheless, a recent

Stay with me

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Stay with me, and then I shall begin to shine as you shine:

so to shine as to be a light to others.

The light, O Jesus, will be all from you.

The Sacred in the Liturgy (first part)

posted in: Thoughts of Newman | 0

Our tongues must preach Him, and our voices sing of Him, and our knees adore Him, and our hands supplicate Him, and our heads bow before Him, and our countenances beam of Him, and our gait herald Him. And hence arise joint worship, forms of prayer, ceremonies of devotion, the course of services, orders of ministers, holy vestments, solemn music, and other things of a like nature ; all which are, as it…

Faith and Doubt

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Those who are drawn by curiosity or a better motive to inquire into the Catholic Religion, sometimes put to us a strange question,—whether, if they took up the profession of it, they would be at liberty, when they felt inclined, to reconsider the question of its Divine authority; meaning, by “reconsideration,” an inquiry springing from doubt of it, and possibly ending in a denial. The same question, in the form of an objection, is often asked by those who have no thoughts at all of becoming Catholics, and who enlarge upon it, as something terrible, that whoever once enters the pale of the Church, on him the door of egress is shut for ever; that, once a Catholic, he never, never can doubt again;…

The Invisible World

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While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” 2 Cor. 4: 18.

There are two worlds, “the visible, and the invisible,” as the Creed speaks,-the world we see, and the world we do not see; and the world we do not see as really exists as the world we do see. It really exists, though we see it not. The world we see we know to exist, because we see it. We have but to lift up our eyes and look around us,

May the Month of Promise

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Why is May chosen as the month in which we exercise a special devotion to the Blessed Virgin?

The first reason is because it is the time when the earth bursts forth into its fresh foliage and its green grass after the stern frost and snow of winter, and the raw atmosphere and the wild wind and rain of the early spring. It is because the blossoms are upon the trees and the flowers are in the gardens. It is because