SIEBENROCK R., Das Los des Unzeitgemäßen. John Henry Kardinal Newmans Leben in der “Logik des Evangeliums”.
Entschluss 47. Jahrgang (1992) 27-29.
Entschluss 47. Jahrgang (1992) 27-29.
Published by P. MILWARD, Kenkyusa, Tokyo 1992, 113 pp.
Introduction by J. GAFFNEY, Image Books, Doubleday, New York 1992, XII+ 464 pp.
Sermon preached at St Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham on 26th March, 1848. With a foreword by V. F. BLEHL, S.J., Secretariat of the Cause of Cardinal Newman, Birmingham 1992.
Illustrated by M. TYLER, Fisher Press, Sevenoaks 1992, 175 pp.
Traduction de l’anglais, introduction et notes de M. DURAND. Editions Tequi, Paris 1992, 434 pp.
Introduzione, traduzione e note di G. VELOCCI. Edizioni Paoline, Milano 1992, 284 pp.
Titolo originale: V. BLEHL (Ed.), A Newman Prayer Book. Roma 1992, 33 pp.
Garland Publishing, New York 1992, xl + 261 pp.
ALLSOPP M.E. & R. BURKE (Edd.), John Henry Newman. Theology and Reform. Garland Publishing, New York 1992, pp. xiii-xl.