PELA’ G., La spiritualità ecumenica del B. Domenico Barberi CP.
Apostolo dell’unità (1792-1849). Editrice CIPI, Roma 1991, 206 pp.
Apostolo dell’unità (1792-1849). Editrice CIPI, Roma 1991, 206 pp.
A History of the Development of Doctrine, Christian Doctrine and Modern Culture (since 1700), Vol. 5, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, London 1991, XLIX+361 pp.
The Church Would Look Foolish Without Them: Cardinal Newman and Pope John Paul II’s Perspectives. Pioda Gianfranco, Rom 1991, 293 pp.
The Anglican years. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1991, 335 pp.
Parchment Ltd., Oxford 1991, 26 pp.
Première periode. Collection Chemins de la Memoire, L’Harmattan 1991, 510 pp.
Crusader of prayer for England and pioneer of ecumenical prayer. Leuven University Press, Leuven 1991, 256 pp.
: who become Saints, who do not, and why… . Chatto & Windus Ltd., London 1991, 463 pp.
Dissertation, Pamplona 1991, 304 pp.
A Comparison of the Theological Implications of the Epistemologies of J. H. Newman and Michael Polanyi. Theol. Diss., Catholic University of America, 1991, 424 pp.