POUPARD P., Una coscienza avida di santità,
STROLZ M.K. and BINDER M. (Edd), Lover of Truth. Academic Symposium and Celebration of the first Centenary of the Death of John Henry Newman. Urbaniana University Press, Rome 1991, 133-135.
STROLZ M.K. and BINDER M. (Edd), Lover of Truth. Academic Symposium and Celebration of the first Centenary of the Death of John Henry Newman. Urbaniana University Press, Rome 1991, 133-135.
STROLZ M.K. and BINDER M. (Edd), Lover of Truth. Academic Symposium and Celebration of the first Centenary of the Death of John Henry Newman. Urbaniana University Press, Rome 1991, 137-139.
STROLZ M.K. and BINDER M. (Edd), Lover of Truth. Academic Symposium and Celebration of the first Centenary of the Death of John Henry Newman. Urbaniana University Press, Rome 1991, 141-146.
STROLZ M.K. and BINDER M. (Edd), Lover of Truth. Academic Symposium and Celebration of the first Centenary of the Death of John Henry Newman. Urbaniana University Press, Rome 1991, 147-151.
STROLZ M.K. and BINDER M. (Edd), Lover of Truth. Academic Symposium and Celebration of the first Centenary of the Death of John Henry Newman. Urbaniana University Press, Rome 1991, 155-156.
STROLZ M.K. and BINDER M. (Edd), Lover of Truth. Academic Symposium and Celebration of the first Centenary of the Death of John Henry Newman. Urbaniana University Press, Rome 1991, 157-158.
STROLZ M.K. and BINDER M. (Edd), Lover of Truth. Academic Symposium and Celebration of the first Centenary of the Death of John Henry Newman. Urbaniana University Press, Rome 1991, 161-165.
On May 15, 1879 Pope Leo XIII raised John Henry Newman to the dignity of Cardinal and thus recognized his extraordinary merits not only for the faithful in England, but also for the Church universal. To commemorate this event, we are publishing this talk in which Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger – now Pope Benedict XVI – revealed his personal approach to Newman, while underscoring the relevance of this great teacher for the Church of our time. The talk was given in the centenary year of Newman’s death (1990) during a Symposium organized by the International Centre of Newman Friends, run by members of The Spiritual Family The Work.
Relazioni con Newman e i suoi amici. Published F. GIORGINI, C.I.P.I., Roma 1990, 110 pp.
Tractarian Essays, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1990, IX+324 pp.