NEWMAN J.H., An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine.
(Reprint 1888.) Introduction by I. KER, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame IN 1989, xxvii + 445 pp.
(Reprint 1888.) Introduction by I. KER, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame IN 1989, xxvii + 445 pp.
Selected and Introduced by A. N. WILSON. S.P.C.K, London 1989, xvii + 198 pp.
The Devotions of Bishop Andrewes, Meditations and Devotions, Verses on Various Occasions. Ignatius Press, San Francisco 1989, xxiv + 742 pp.
Selections from his Writings. Edited with an Introduction by I. KER, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1989, xviii + 341 pp.
Translated by P. BOHARCZYK, with an introduction by W. OSTROWSKI, Institut Wydawniczy Pax, Warszawa 1989, 378 pp.
Traducció catalana. Introducció i traducció d’ A. BOIX. Clàssics del Cristianisme 7, Barcelona 1989 , 362 pp.
Edition bilingue. Editions l’Age d’Homme. Lausanne 1989, 88 pp.
N° 5, Lyon 1989, 177 pp.
L’ Association française des Amis de J. H. Newman (Eds.), Etudes Newmaniennes N° 5, Lyon 1989, pp. 3-14;
L’ Association française des Amis de J. H. Newman (Eds.), Etudes Newmaniennes N° 5, Lyon 1989, pp. 15-21;