National Institute for Newman Studies,
Pittsburgh PA, Newman Studies Journal Vol 4/1 Spring 2007.
Pittsburgh PA, Newman Studies Journal Vol 4/1 Spring 2007.
Dr. Philip Boyce O.C.D. Bishop of Raphoe, Ireland A widespread interest in prayer has been noticeable over the past fewdecades. As Western society has progressed at an unprecedented rate inscience and technology, giving modern man an abundance of materialwelfare and comfort, it has increasingly felt the incapacity of these things …
Atti del Convegno ‘Rosmini e Newman: un confronto con la modernità’. Published by F. MORAGLIA and A. TRIPODI, Ufficio per la Cultura e l’Università, Genova 2006, 47-64.
Vol IX, Littlemore and the Parting of Friends, May 1842 – October 1843. Edited by F. MCGRATH and the late G. TRACY, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006, XXXIX+833 pp.
Vol X, The Final Step, 1 November 1843- 6 October 1845. Intro. & edited by F. MCGRATH, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006, XLVI+1010 pp.
Introduction by W. PARK, Scepter Publishers, New York 2006, 262 pp.
Introd. J. EARNEST & G. TRACEY, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006, 560 pp.
Introduction by WALSH P., privately published by The Newman Society of Ireland, Dublin 2006, 122 pp.
Vol. 6 (PPS 6), Introduction and translation by P. GAUTHIER et alii, Les Éditions du Cerf, Paris 2006, 323 pp.
Introd. and translation: CAVALLER F.M., Agape Libros, Buenos Aires 2006 (2007 2° ed.), 278 pp. and Edibesa, Madrid 2006