LESEGRETAIN C., L’étonnante modernité de Newman,
La Croix, 5-6 janvier 2002, 12 – 13.
La Croix, 5-6 janvier 2002, 12 – 13.
Klerusblatt 11 (2002), 261 – 263.
Jel XIV 10 (2002), 294 – 298.
L’incontro tra J. H. Newman e G. M. Hopkins. Feeria 22 (2002), 46 – 48.
The Newman Rambler VI 2 (2002), 24 – 26.
L’Osservatore Romano, 21 febbraio 2002, 7.
Friends of Cardinal Newman Newsletter, Easter 2002, 11.
Introduction and Notes by McGrath Francis, Vol. 5, Birmingham Millenium Oratory Edition, Gracewing, Leominster/Notre Dame University Press, Notre Dame, IN 2002, LXXIX + 679 pp.
introduced and edited by James Tolhurst, Vol VI, Birmingham Millenium Oratory Edition, Gracewing, Leominster/Notre Dame University Press, Notre Dame, IN 2002, 431 pp.
edited with an introduction by Albert Radcliffe, Carcanet, Manchester 2002, 205 pp.