MARTIN B., John Henry Newman: His Life and Work.
New Edition (first published 1982), Paulist Press, New York 1990, 160 pp.
New Edition (first published 1982), Paulist Press, New York 1990, 160 pp.
Veritas Publications, Dublin 1990, viii+209 pp.
Vol. 18, Ediciones Rialp, S.A., Madrid 1990, 375 pp.
L’Incarnazione del Verbo nel pensiero cristologico di J.H. Newman. Jaca Book, Milano 1990, 275 pp.
Published by the Oratory School, Woodcote, Oxfordshire 1990, 26 pp.
The Idea of Doctrinal Development from the Victorians to the Second Vatican Council. T & T Clark, Edinburgh 1990, 290 pp.
St. Paul Publications, Middlegreen 1990, 185 pp.
Diss. Th., Pamplona 1990, 227 pp.
S.T.D. dissertation, The Catholic University of America, 1990.
Excerpta ex dissertatione ad Doctoratum, Pont. Universitas Gregoriana, Roma 1990, 83 pp.