SCHMITZ K., Newman: Echoes from the Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine,
The Newman Rambler V 2 (2001), 3 – 7.
RUTLER G.W., Newman’s Personalism and the Call to Holiness,
The Newman Rambler V 2 (2001), 8 – 12.
OLSON R.M., Newman’s Patient Mind,
The Newman Rambler V 2 (2001), 13 – 17.
RYAN C., Gleanings from the Parochial and Plain Sermons,
The Newman Rambler V 2 (2001), 18 – 25.
SWEET W., Faith and Reason in Newman’s Thought,
The Newman Rambler V 2 (2001), 26 – 30.
LANGAN J., Newman and the Catholic Imagination,
The Newman Rambler V 2 (2001), 32 – 36.
LAFONTAINE R., Conversion and Development in Newman,
The Newman Rambler V 2 (2001), 37 – 43.
KER I., An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent,
The Newman Rambler VI 1 (2001), 1, 3 – 7.