MARTIN B.W., John Henry Newman. His Life and Work.
Continuum International Publishing Group, New York 2000, 160 pp.
Continuum International Publishing Group, New York 2000, 160 pp.
The Theological Epistemologies of John Henry Newman and Michael Polanyi. Catholic University of America Press, Washington 2000, xxii + 222 pp.
Newman and the Case for Modern Martyrdom. The St. George Press, Grand Marais, Michigan 2000, 94 pp.
St. Ulrichs-Verlag, Augsburg 2000, 176 pp.
Jaca Book, Milano 2000, 119 pp.
Desclée De Brouwer, Bilbao 2000, 173 pp.
John Henry Newmans Beitrag zur Entdeckung des Subjektes beim Glaubensakt im theologiegeschichtlichen Kontext. Internationale Cardinal-Newman-Studien XVIII. Folge. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2000, 660 pp.
Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano 2000, 258 pp.
Its Philosophical Background and its Revelance today (Extractum), Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana, Roma 2000, 66 pp.
La distinción Nocional/Real como clave interpretativa de la epistemología de la fe de John Henry Newman. Instituto de Teologíoa Fundamental ‘Centre Borja’, Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona) 2000, 284 pp.