Newman Newsletter 2016

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Wappen farbig

Dear Newman Friends!

When Pope Francis gave an audience to the media representatives three days after his election as the successor of Peter, he said: “How I would like a Church which is poor and for the poor!“ (16 March 2013). In his programmatic Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium he mentions the reasons for his choice: “Each individual Christian and every community is called to be an instrument of God for the liberation and promotion of the poor,

Newman Newsletter 2015

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Wappen farbig

Rome, June 2015

Dear Newman Friends,

In 1865 – exactly 150 years ago – John Henry Newman wrote The Dream of Gerontius, which set to music by Edward Elgar has become famous throughout the world. This poem is fascinating in its description of the dying Gerontius’ journey towards God’s judgment and from thence to Purgatory. Fr. Thomas Norris,

Newman Newsletter 2014

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Rome, June 2014

Dear Newman Friends,

As did his predecessors in the See of Peter, Pope Francis is showing his esteem for the works of Bl. John Henry Newman. In the first year of his pontificate,

St Paul’s Apostolic Zeal according to Saint John Henry Newman

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St Paul

Fr. Hermann Geissler, FSO

Pope Francis wishes the Church, in every part of the world, to become more missionary. In his Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii gaudium, he addresses the faithful asking themto embark upon a new chapter of evangelization” (n. 1). St. Paul, an apostle and a missionary, still remains a model for us today. For Blessed John Henry Newman Paul is the “glorious Apostle, this sweetest of inspired writers, this most touching and winning of teachers” towards whom he “ever felt a special

Newman Newsletter 2013

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Wappen farbig

Rome-Littlemore, June 2013


Dear Newman Friends,

Blessed John Henry Newman once commented in a talk: “Truth is never enforced except at the sacrifice of its propounders” (Lectures on the Present Position of Catholics in England, London 1857, 403). This was not just a pious saying for this great English convert, but

Newman Newsletter 2012

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Dear Newman Friends,

As we announced last year, from now on you will receive our Newman Newsletter via electronic post. We hope that this way of communication facilitates the exchange of information and experiences among Newman friends.

We are happy to inform you

Newman Newsletter 2011

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Dear Newman Friends,

Last year we experienced the long awaited beatification of John Henry Newman. What can we learn from this new Beatus? Why was he beatified? What is his particular meaning for our times?

To this question one could give many answers. During…

Newsletter 2010

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Newman is to be Beatified!
On the 19th September 2010 John Henry Newman will be raised to the honour of the altars by Pope Benedict XVI in a Solemn Mass at Coventry.

Dear Newman Friends,

After many years of expectation and prayer it is a great joy for us to share this news with you. Indeed, we had decided not to send our newsletter until the venue and date of the beatification was confirmed and made public.

Newsletter 2008 – Newman and Rome

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Dr. Brigitte Maria Hoegemann FSO Long before the Anglo-Catholic Oxford don actually saw the city, its name must have resonated with John Henry Newman, evoking not just images of the ancient city, kingdom, republic and empire, its history of three thousand years, its rise and the fall, but also its huge claim to power and its unique culture of antiquity both pagan and Christian. …

Newsletter 2007 – At Prayer with John Henry Newman

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Dr. Philip Boyce O.C.D. Bishop of Raphoe, Ireland A widespread interest in prayer has been noticeable over the past fewdecades. As Western society has progressed at an unprecedented rate inscience and technology, giving modern man an abundance of materialwelfare and comfort, it has increasingly felt the incapacity of these things …