Newman Newsletter 2012

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Dear Newman Friends,

As we announced last year, from now on you will receive our Newman Newsletter via electronic post. We hope that this way of communication facilitates the exchange of information and experiences among Newman friends.

We are happy to inform you that the papers of the International Symposium on “The Primacy of God in the Life and Writings of Blessed John Henry Newman”, (22nd – 23rd November 2010) organized by our Centre together with the Theological Faculty of the Pontifical Gregorian University, have just been published in English in a double number of the journal Louvain Studies (available at the following address: Once more we express our sincere gratitude to the authors for their valuable work and especially to Professor Terrence Merrigan, who helped so generously to prepare this publication.

The International Centre of Newman Friends held on 14th March 2012 a Newman Evening at the Venerable English College in Rome. The Right Reverend Philip Boyce, OCD, Bishop of Raphoe, Ireland, presented a lecture on “Tokens of Holiness in the Life of Blessed John Henry Newman”. After the conference we joined the community of the English College for Holy Mass, presided over by Bishop Boyce, praying also for Newman’s canonization.

In these months, united with the Holy Father and the universal Church, we prepare for the Year of Faith, which will begin on 11th October 2012, the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, and will conclude on 24th November 2013, the Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, Universal King. As a contribution to this year of grace, in which we are invited to deepen our faith and to bear witness to it with renewed zeal, we recommend you read “The Witness of the Faithful in Matters of Doctrine according to John Henry Newman”.

Grateful for all initiatives to promote the knowledge of Blessed John Henry Newman and the relevance of his writings for the contemporary world, and with sincere thanks for your prayers and donations to the International Centre of Newman Friends, we send you our best regards,

Fr. Hermann Geissler, FSO, Director