Dear Newman friends,

Pope Francis welcomed John Henry Newman into the ranks of the saints at a memorable ceremony in St Peter’s Square on 13 October 2019. The Holy Father has often expressed his admiration for the great theologian, as have all his predecessors since Pius XII. Considering Newman’s influence on theology, his so-called invisible presence at the Second Vatican Council, and the high esteem in which he has been held by so many Popes, it is not surprising that since his canonization many have seen in him a future Doctor Ecclesiae.
We are pleased to confirm that the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales has formally asked the Holy Father to declare St John Henry Newman a Doctor of the Church, and that other Bishops’ Conferences, academic institutions, religious orders and ecclesial communities from around the world have supported this request in recent months, making it clear that there is a growing consensus in the universal Church on the matter. Enough to now begin a procedure whereby the Roman Dicasteries for the Causes of Saints and for the Doctrine of the Faith must examine whether Newman’s teaching is truly “eminent”, i.e. outstanding and significant for the whole Church. If so, then the Pope can elevate Newman to the status of Doctor of the Church. Fr George Bowen CO, member of the Oratory in London and strongly engaged in this noble cause, explained in Rome Reports the whole procedure.

With Pope Saint Paul VI, we are firmly convinced that Newman “is becoming today an ever brighter shining star for all who seek clear orientation and sure guidance in the uncertainties of the modern world” (Address of 7 April 1975). We would like to invite you to pray that this procedure will soon come to a positive conclusion. We also encourage you to help people understand Newman’s outstanding contribution to the Church, so that as many people as possible in these confusing times will be helped by him. Shortly before his death, Benedict XVI heard about the endeavours to elevate Newman to the status of Doctor of the Church. He was beaming all over his face and said: “Newman – Doctor of the Church, that would be a light for the darkness of this time!”

Newman is undoubtedly one of the most outstanding thinkers of the modern era. Moreover, he never limited his work to the intellectual sphere, but also remained a loyal friend to many, as well as a gifted educator, a holy priest after the Heart of Jesus, and a full-hearted pastor – a true spiritual son of St Philip Neri. It was no coincidence that he chose the words Cor ad cor loquitur as his motto on the occasion of his appointment as cardinal. Dr Paul Shrimpton, an acknowledged expert on Newman, has written a valuable article for this newsletter on the theme of Newman and Friendship, which we are sending you as a small gift.
In the last year, we have had some wonderful Newman experiences here in Rome: for example, from a magnificent performance of Elgar’s The Dream of Gerontius at St Paul Outside the Walls, to another Newman Walk through the Eternal City, to retreats in the spirit of Newman, and services in gratitude for his life. There have also been ongoing meetings with Newman friends and researchers from different countries, at our libraries, and lectures at the Philosophical-Theological Highschool of Heiligenkreuz/Vienna and at the Theological Faculty in Florence.
We are grateful that the number of students consulting our specialised library continues to grow. We would also like to encourage people to visit the historic place at Littlemore, on the outskirts of Oxford, where Newman lived and was received into the Catholic Church. Small cottages are available there for personal retreats, and day visitors can also further their Newman studies or simply follow in the footsteps of the great saint. For further information about what we can offer visitors, please contact:
United in gratitude for the life, teaching and witness of St John Henry Newman, we send you warm greetings from Rome.

Fr. Hermann Geissler FSO

Sr. Christiane Fritsch FSO