VAISS P. (Ed.), From Oxford to the People.

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Reconsidering Newman and the Oxford Movement, Gracewing 1996, viii + 298 pp.
– VAISS P., Introduction, pp. 1-14;
– ROWELL G., ‘Church Principles’ and ‘Protestant Kempism’, Some theological forerunners of the Tractarians, pp. 17-59;
– GILLEY S., The Ecclesiology of the Oxford Movement: a Reconsideration, pp. 60-75;
– LOSSKY N., The Oxford Movement and the Revival of Patristic Theology, pp. 76-82;
– PRICKETT S., The Social Conscience of the Oxford Movement: a Reappraisal, pp. 83-92;
– NOCKLES P., ‘Church and King’: Tractarian Politics Reappraised, pp. 93-123;
– KNIGHT F., The Influence of the Oxford Movement in the Parishes c. 1833-1860: A Reassessment, pp. 127-140;
– MORRIS J., The Regional Growth of Tractarianism: Some Reflections, pp. 141-159;
– CHADWICK O., A Consideration of Newman’s Apologia Pro Vita Sua, pp. 163-185;
– KER I., What Kind of a Book is the Apologia?, pp. 186-197;
– IMBERG R., Who, then, was Dr. Newman ? – The Man and the Myth, pp. 198-202;
– VAISS P., Newman’s state of mind on the eve of his Italian tour, pp. 203-222;
– STRANGE R., Newman at Oxford: Preaching a Living Faith, pp. 223-237;
– HEDLEY D., Participation in the divine life: Coleridge, the vision of God and the thought of John Henry Newman, pp. 238-251;
– GAUTHIER P., Richard Hurrell Froude’s influence on Newman and the Oxford Movement, pp. 255-268;
– GARRARD J., Archbishop Howley and the Oxford Movement, pp. 269-285;
– ASVELD P., Newman and Wiseman in the days of the Oxford Movement, pp. 286-298.