Newman’s Idea of a University The American Response,

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edited by STRAVINSKAS P. and REILLY P.J., Conference Papers – Cardinal Newman Society, Falls Church, Virginia, Newman House Press, Mount Pocono, PA 2002, 108 pp.
– KER I., Theology at the Center or the Margin?, 11 – 20.
– FIELDS S.M., Newman, Conscience, and Academic Freedom, 36 – 46.
– McCLOSKEY C.J., Newman’s University in Today’s American Culture, 55 – 65.
– MURRAY J.E., The Catholic University’s Role in American Life, 66 – 80.
– STRAVINSKAS P., Ex Corde Ecclesiæ: Echoes of Newman’s Idea of a University, 81 – 97.
– DULLES A., Newman’s Idea of a University: Still Relevant to Catholic Higher Education, 98 – 103.