BALELA SOLOR Y., The Concept of Knowledge in the Idea of a University of J. H. Newman:
Its Philosophical Background and its Revelance today (Extractum), Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana, Roma 2000, 66 pp.
Its Philosophical Background and its Revelance today (Extractum), Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana, Roma 2000, 66 pp.
La distinción Nocional/Real como clave interpretativa de la epistemología de la fe de John Henry Newman. Instituto de Teologíoa Fundamental ‘Centre Borja’, Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona) 2000, 284 pp.
Uma análise segundo a criteriologia de John Henry Newman, Universidade de Navarra, Pamplona 2000, 307 pp.
Una proposta educativa alla luce dei Parochial and Plain Sermons di John Henry Newman. Pontificia Universitas Lateranensis Academia Alphonsiana, Roma 2000.
Tres concepciones del acto de fe: Newman, Blondel, Garrigou-Lagrange. Estudio comparativo desde la perspectiva teológico-fundamental. Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma 2000, 444 pp.
An Analysis of John Henry Newman’s Unique Contribution. Pontificia Studiorum Universitas a S. Thoma Aqu. in Urbe, Roma 2000, 268 pp.
the foundation of a Catholic public school by converts from the Oxford Movement. Institute of Education, University of London, London 2000, 342 pp.
Salesianum LXII (2000), 331-351, 433-456.
Rivista Liturgica LXXXVII (2000), 243-270.
Etudes Newmaniennes Nº 16 (2000), 71-108.