NEWMAN J.H., Fifteen Sermons Preached Before the University of Oxford.
Introd. J. EARNEST & G. TRACEY, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006, 560 pp.
Introd. J. EARNEST & G. TRACEY, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006, 560 pp.
Introduction by WALSH P., privately published by The Newman Society of Ireland, Dublin 2006, 122 pp.
Vol. 6 (PPS 6), Introduction and translation by P. GAUTHIER et alii, Les Éditions du Cerf, Paris 2006, 323 pp.
Introd. and translation: CAVALLER F.M., Agape Libros, Buenos Aires 2006 (2007 2° ed.), 278 pp. and Edibesa, Madrid 2006
(Come guardare il mondo con gli occhi di Dio, Libro di Preghiere, Via Crucis). Translated by S. GARELLO, Centro Nazionale Catechistico e Sociale di Jessore (Bangladesh) 2006, 208 pp.
une théologie dans un temps d’apostasie. Trad., SOULIÉ G., Ad Solem, Genève 2006.
A Different Kind of Monk. Gracewing, London 2006, 538 pp.
Real View Books, Port Huron 2006, 260 pp.
Transl. in japanese by N. KAWANAKA & M. HASHIMOTO, Kyoyusha 2006, 266 pp.
Sanar le herida de la humanidad, Introd. A. Gonzalez Montes, Transl. A. Boix, Ensayos 207, Encuentro Ediciones, Madrid 2006, 184 pp.