FAGAN K.B., A Toast to Conscience: Freedom of Conscience in John Henry Newman.
University of Dallas, Texas 1998, 217 pp.
University of Dallas, Texas 1998, 217 pp.
Doctrinal Development in John Henry Newman’s « Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine », Parts 1 and 2. UMI Dissertation Information Service, Washington DC 1998, ix + 1031 pp.
Department of English, University of Toronto 1998, 200 pp.
A Guide for the Perplexed: Culture Wars February 1998, 27-37.
Journal of Religion and Health 37 (1998) 63-66.
The Downside Review 116 (1998) 55-64.
A Talk On The Idea Of A University After John Henry Newman: The Newman Rambler, Spring/Summer 1998,1-10.
The Newman Rambler, Spring/Summer 1998, 10-18.
The Newman Rambler, Fall/Winter 1998, 15-19.
Real Apprehension and Assent in Education: The Newman Rambler, Spring/Summer 1998, 19-22.