MAGILL G. (Ed.) Discourse and Context.

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An Interdisciplinary Study of John Henry Newman. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale and Edwardsville 1993, xi + 220 pp.
– MAGILL G., Introduction: The Intellectual Ethos of John Henry Newman, 1 – 11.
– KELLY E.E., Identity and Discourse A Study in Newman’s Individualism, 15 – 32.
– PARKER K.L., Newman’s Individualistic Use of the Caroline Divines in the ‘Via Media’, 33 – 42.
– TILLMAN M.K., Economies of Reason Newman and the ‘Phronesis’ Tradition, 45 – 53.
– JOST W., Philosophic Rhetoric Newman and Heidegger, 54 – 80.
– CROWLEY A.J., Theory of Discourse Newman and Ricoeur, 81 – 92.
– LIVINGSTON J.C., Christianity and Culture in Newman’s ‘Idea of a University’, 95 – 108.
– MILLER E.J., Newman’s Idea of a Unsiversity: Is It Viable Today?, 109 – 125.
– FERREIRA M.J., The Grammar of the Heart: Newman on Faith and Imagination, 129 – 143.
– MAGILL G., The Living Mind: Newman on Assent and Dissent, 144 – 164.
– TALAR C.J.T., Receiving Newman’s Development of Christian Doctrine, 167 – 180.
– BARMANN L., Theological Inquiry in an Authoritarian Church: Newman and Modernism, 181 – 206.