Maritain, Newman and the Future of the University; Martain, Newman et l’avenir de l’université.

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St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Canada 2000, Études maritainiennes-Maritain Studies Vol. XVI, 2000, 166 pp.
– ARMOUR L., The Ideals of Knowledge and the Idea of a University, 3-23.
– TROTT E., Newman, Maritain, and Thoughts on Education, 24 – 34.
– DEWAN L., Some Philosophers on the University, 35 – 58.
– D’SOUZA M.O., Intellectual Unity, Intellectual Virtues, and Intellectual Culture, 59 – 70.
– GOYETTE J., MATHIE W., The Idea of a Catholic University: Newman on the Role of Theology in a Liberal Education, 71 – 91.
– TOURPE E., Intuition vs Conceptualisation? Vers une solution Blondelienne au débat épistémologique classique sur l’idée d’université, 92 – 106.
– SCHULTZ W.J., Beyond Tolerance: Integral Personalism as a Fondation for the Recognition of Diverse Spiritual Families within Catholic Education, 107 – 129.
– KILLORAN J., Approaches to Wisdom: Newman and Maritain on the University, 131 – 144.