MERRIGAN T., KER I. (eds.), Newman and the Word

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(Papers- 2nd Oxford Int. Newman Conference – Oriel College, Oxford, 10-13 August 1998), Vol. 27, Peeters Press, Louvain 2000, 260 pp.
– MERRIGAN T., The Image of the Word: Faith and Imagination in John Henry Newman and John Hick, 5 – 47.
– DALY G., Newman, Divine Revelation, and the Catholic Modernists, 49 – 68.
– KER I., Newman and the « consesus fidelium » as « the voice of the infallible church », 69 – 89.
– MCGRATH A.E., Newman on Justification. An Evangelical Anglican Evaluation, 91 – 107.
– GILLEY S., Newman, Hutton and Unitarianism, 109 – 136.
– DUPRE L., Newman and the Neoplatonic Tradition in England, 137 – 154.
– KERR F., « In an isolated and, philosophically, uninfluential way »: Newman and Oxford Philosophy, 155 – 179.
– MYERS W., « What do you want? »: Newman’s Ocean of Interminable Scepticism, 181 – 210.
– WRIGHT T.R., Newman on the Bible: A « Via Media » to Postmodernity?, 211 – 249.