National Institute for Newman Studies,

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Pittsburgh, PA, Newman Studies Journal 2/2 (Fall 2005), 112 pp.
– FORD J., Editorial Preface, 3-5.
– KUDZMA Th., Grace and Graciousness:, The 1879 Addresses and Replies, 6-23.
– LINCK J., The « Convert of Oxford » and the « Socrates of Rome »: John Henry Newman, Philip Neri, and the Oratory, 24-35.
– DREW M. Awaking ‘The Dream of Gerontius’, 36-51.
– CHRISTIE R., Newman’s 1826 Essay, ‘The Miracle of Scripture’, and the Role of Witness:, The Beginning of his Personal Theology, 52-59.
– FORD J.T., John Henry Newman as Contextual Theologican, 60-76.