NEWMAN J.H., I Sermoni di Newman per le domeniche e le festività.
A cura di James Tolhurst, Paoline, Milano 1997, 290 pp.
A cura di James Tolhurst, Paoline, Milano 1997, 290 pp.
Traducción de J. MORALES MARIN y V. GARCIA RUIZ, Ediciones Rialp, Madrid 1997, 166 pp.
Traducción, introducciones y notas de V. GARCIA RUIZ y J. MORALES MARIN, Ediciones Rialp, Madrid 1997, 127 pp.
Traducido por Ramón de la Trinidad Pi¤ero Mari¤o, Edición a cargo de Adolfo Gonzalez Montes, Aureli Boix y Fernando Rodriguez Garrapucho, Catedra “John Henry Newman” de la Upsa, Centro de Estudios Orientales y Ecum‚nicos “Juan XXIII”, Salamanca 1997, 495 pp.
Commentary on the four Gospels collected out of the works of the Fathers by Saint Thomas Aquinas. English translation first published in 1841, edited by John Henry Newman, with a new introduction by Aidan Nichols, Four Volumes, The Saint Austin … Continua
Reprint of 3rd Edition of 1872. Introduction by Mary Katherine Tillman, Notre Dame Series in the Great Books: Vol. 5, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiana 1997, *LII, XXIII, 351 pp.
Selected with a Preface bv Michael Davies. Reprint of 1978, Roman Catholic Books, New York 1997, 400 pp.
Translation and Commentary by James Gaffney, Sheed & Ward, Kansas City 1997, XX, 126 pp.
Introduction de Jacques SYS, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, Lille 1997, 234 pp.
Saint Mary’s Press, Winona 1997.