CLAVEL P., Bibliographie newmanienne (IV),
ASSOCIATION FRANCAISE DES AMIS DE JOHN HENRY NEWMAN (Eds.), Etudes Newmaniennes N° 12 – 1996, pp. 87-118;
ASSOCIATION FRANCAISE DES AMIS DE JOHN HENRY NEWMAN (Eds.), Etudes Newmaniennes N° 12 – 1996, pp. 87-118;
ASSOCIATION FRANCAISE DES AMIS DE JOHN HENRY NEWMAN (Eds.), Etudes Newmaniennes N° 12 – 1996, pp. 119-136.
Newman, Manning and the Magisterium, Downside Abbey, Bath 1996, x + 290 pp.
McCLELLAND V.A. (Ed.), By Whose Authority? Newman, Manning and the Magisterium, Downside Abbey, Bath 1996, pp. 1-40;
McCLELLAND V.A. (Ed.), By Whose Authority? Newman, Manning and the Magisterium, Downside Abbey, Bath 1996, pp. 41-48;
McCLELLAND V.A. (Ed.), By Whose Authority? Newman, Manning and the Magisterium, Downside Abbey, Bath 1996, pp. 49-78;
McCLELLAND V.A. (Ed.), By Whose Authority? Newman, Manning and the Magisterium, Downside Abbey, Bath 1996, pp. 79-111;
McCLELLAND V.A. (Ed.), By Whose Authority? Newman, Manning and the Magisterium, Downside Abbey, Bath 1996, pp. 112-122;
McCLELLAND V.A. (Ed.), By Whose Authority? Newman, Manning and the Magisterium, Downside Abbey, Bath 1996, pp. 123-135;
McCLELLAND V.A. (Ed.), By Whose Authority? Newman, Manning and the Magisterium, Downside Abbey, Bath 1996, pp. 136-148;