GARRARD J., Archbishop Howley and the Oxford Movement,
VAISS P. (Ed.), From Oxford to the People. Reconsidering Newman and the Oxford Movement, Gracewing 1996, pp. 269-285;
VAISS P. (Ed.), From Oxford to the People. Reconsidering Newman and the Oxford Movement, Gracewing 1996, pp. 269-285;
VAISS P. (Ed.), From Oxford to the People. Reconsidering Newman and the Oxford Movement, Gracewing 1996, pp. 286-298.
A Fundamental-Theological Study of John Henry Newman’s Notion of First Principles, European University Studies Series XXIII, Vol. 539, Peter Lang, Frankfurt 1995, 309 pp.
A Guide for Pilgrims. The Places and Buildings associated with John Henry Newman during his years in Oxford 1816-1846, Oxuniprint, Oxford 1995, 40 pp.
Dominic of the Mother of God (1792-1849), Editrice Missionaria Italiana, Bologna 1995, 189 pp.
Extractum ex Dissertatione ad Doctoratum in Facultate Theologiae.-Lublijana, Pont. Universitas Urbaniana, Roma 1995, v + 160 pp.
Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium CXXIII, L.U.P., Leuven 1995, 362 pp.
St Paul’s, Slough 1995, 319 pp. (pp. 205-230 concerning Newman)
Affinities with John Henry Newman. vol. Vol/Bd. 525, European University Studies XXIII, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt 1995 pp. 206.
Institute of Liberal Arts, University of Navarre 1995, 247 pp.