RUTLER G.W., Newman and Land O’Lakes.
Homiletic and Pastoral Review (March 1990) 9-15
Homiletic and Pastoral Review (March 1990) 9-15
Revivre (1990/4) 9-16.
La Revue Générale II (1990/2) 17-24.
Unitas Edizione Italiana, 45/4 (1990) 208-219.
Ecclesia Mater XXVI1I/2 (1990) 85-89.
Ho Teologos 8 (1990) 65 – 76.
Priests and People 8 (September 1990) 305-308.
Reflections on the Grammar of Assent. T.A. RUSSMAN, (Ed.), Thomistic papers V, Center for Thomistic Studies, Houston (Texas), 1990, 63 – 80.
omdat de waarheid verplicht. Emmaus 21/3 (1990) 81-93.
Rellen in een victoriaanse parochie door de invoering van het ritualisme. Munire Ecclesiam (Maastricht 1990) 277-287.