DÍEZ-CABALLERO ALONSO E., John Henry Newman: una defensa de la Iglesia Católica:
Lectures on the Present Position of Catholics in England, Tesi dottorale, Roma-Santa Croce 2006, 221 pp.
Lectures on the Present Position of Catholics in England, Tesi dottorale, Roma-Santa Croce 2006, 221 pp.
A Theological Reflection in the Light of John Henry Newman’s Prayers to the Paraclete. Extractum ex Diss. ad Doctoratum, Roma, Urbaniana 2006, 207 pp.
Tesi di Laurea, Roma PUL 2006, 152 pp.
Charles Taylor et l’intériorisation des sources morales: une lecture théologique à la lumiere de John Henry Newman. Tesi Accademia Alfonsiana, Editiones Academiae Alfonsianae, Roma 2006, 318 pp.
vol. 13, Santa Clara University Lectures Nov 14, 2006.
Aquinas, 49 (2006) 1, 67-83.
The Chesterton Review Vol. XXXII, Nos. 1 & 2 (2005), 41-55.
“Mondo e persona nella filosofia di John Henry Newman”, Cenacoli Culturali 2006 – Atti, Quaderno della Fondazione N° 4, (marzo-novembre 2006), 77-106.
L’apporto di J.H. Newman all’approfondimento del tema. Insegnare religione 4 (2006), 51-59.
Ph. McCosker (Ed.), What is that the Scripture says? Essays in biblical Interpretation, Translation and Reception in honour of H. Wansbrough OSB, London ; New York, Clark, 2006, 183-196.